At The Blessing Church we value:
– Worship starts in our hearts. It is an expression of our love, gratitude and exaltation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So, worship is more than singing a song to the Lord; it is a lifestyle that seeks to please God.
– As disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, we ought to remain teachable. We also recognize that for as long as we are alive, we shall continue to learn. – Pro.12:1;2P.3:18
– It happens when we connect with one other. It is in the context of the church where we encourage each other and learn biblical principles to live by. Fellowship is necessary in order to become all God has created us to be and do. - John 17:21
– The way we serve God, is by serving one another. Every believer has been gifted by the Holy Spirit to serve one another in a spirit of mutual edification. -Eph. 4:12
– Prayer is the means by which we relate to God, and exercise intimacy with Him. It is through prayer that we develop an attitude of submission and obedience to God. It is also the means by which we intercede for one another before our Heavenly Father. – Matt.26:41
– Just as God, our Father has shown us such great generosity by making us His children, so, we too are exhorted to be a generous people. -2Cor.9:6; 1Jn.3:1