Would you like us to pray for you or your loved ones? Please feel free to share your prayer requests with us and our readers here at The Blessings Rosemead using the form below! You can include anyone you’d like, living or deceased. Rest assured that we will keep your e-mail address confidential and will not sell or otherwise share it with anyone. You can give your name or an abbreviation if you wish.
We post prayer requests as they come in, on this page, following the form given below, usually within a day or two of receiving them. IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO POST THE SAME PRAYER REQUEST MORE THAN ONCE ON ANY GIVEN DAY.
Dear Jesus, please heal my sick friends. Keep my family safe from all harm. Help me to fit in at my new job. I continue to pray for a very special intention. Thank you for my many blessings. Amen.
Jesus, help me to be patient and understanding, to forgive my neighbors. Soften their hearts and show them the way. I pray. Amen.